Welcome to our flower paradise!
Freshness, quality & variety
Our flower shops are more than just a place where you buy flowers. It is a place of encounter, wonder and enjoyment of nature. We love to make the world a little more colorful and fragrant with the most beautiful flowers and plants and to ensure that something new blooms on your table every now and then. With us, you know exactly where your flowers come from - directly from suppliers whose quality we have been convinced of for decades. We want to create a place where people can come together and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. What makes our flower shops so unique is the atmosphere: where else can you browse between roses, lilies and sunflowers and chat with us about caring for your new plants?
You won't find any off-the-shelf flowers in our flower shops. Every vase, every bouquet tells its own story. Whether seasonal highlights, rare flowers or charming arrangements - our range is as diverse as nature itself. You will not only discover flowers here, but also pots, vases, decorative items and handmade accessories that will brighten up your everyday life.
Our flower shops are a place of inspiration, knowledge and joy - for young and old, for connoisseurs and the curious. We look forward to welcoming you to our blooming oasis!
Vision, Mission, Leitbild
Einzigartige Blumensträuße erschaffen und florali zu einem Vorreiter in der Branche machen.
Seit 2005 bringen wir durch frische, farbenfrohe Blumensträuße Schönheit und Freude ins Leben.
Qualität, Kreativität und Nachhaltigkeit – das sind die Werte, die wir in jedem Produkt leben.
Your family flower shop
Welcome to florali
Since our founding in 2005, we have been committed to the mission of bringing beauty and joy into the lives of our customers . As a family business , founded by Jürgen E. Meyer, father and his son, Torge Meyer, work on the further development of florali.
We are proud to introduce you to the wonderful world of flowers and to make your everyday life a little more colorful with fresh and colorful flowers . The florali journey began with the vision of combining unique bouquets with a diverse range of single cut and bunched flowers , all at a fair price.
Jürgen Meyer , a businessman with decades of experience in the flower industry, channeled his passion for flowers into founding florali in 2005. Together with his son, who has the same dedication to flowers and an additional business background through his studies in industrial engineering , father and son have been running the family business hand in hand since 2020. Over the course of almost 17 years, we have developed further and have now blossomed into an established player in the flower industry with five flower shops in Hamburg. Our flower shops are in good locations and our team does their best to sell the freshest flowers in all of Hamburg every day. At florali you will find the right flowers for every occasion , from exclusive bouquets to tailor-made wedding floristry to elegant funeral wreaths .
The entire florali family of talented florists works passionately every day to bring your floral wishes to life.
We want to create a place where people can come together and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. What makes our flower shops so unique is the atmosphere: where else can you browse among roses, lilies and sunflowers and chat with us about caring for your new plants?
You won't find any off-the-shelf flowers in our flower shops. Every vase, every bouquet tells its own story. Whether seasonal highlights, rare flowers or charming arrangements - our range is as diverse as nature itself. You will not only discover flowers here, but also pots, vases, decorative items and handmade accessories that will brighten up your everyday life.
Our flower shops are a place of inspiration, knowledge and joy - for young and old, for connoisseurs and the curious. We look forward to welcoming you to our blooming oasis!
Was macht unsere Blumen besonders?
Jedes Blumenstrauß wird sorgfältig von Hand gestaltet und mit Liebe zum Detail veredelt. Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität und verwenden nur die frischesten Blumen, die wir von vertrauenswürdigen Lieferanten beziehen.
Ob es sich um exotische Orchideen, duftende Rosen oder eine bunte Mischung aus saisonalen Blüten handelt - bei florali findest du stets Blumen von höchster Qualität. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit unserer Leidenschaft für Blumen und unserem ausgeprägten Sinn für Ästhetik einzigartige florale Erlebnisse zu schaffen.
Hierzu bieten wir dir einen umfassenden Service, der von persönlicher Beratung bis hin zur termingerechten Lieferung reicht. Unsere freundlichen und fachkundigen Mitarbeiter stehen dir jederzeit zur Verfügung, um bei der Auswahl des perfekten Arrangements oder der Gestaltung eines Blumenstraußes nach deinen Wünschen zu helfen.